
Alan created an evidence-based writing program to deliver college and career ready literacy instruction that directly translates into elevated achievement on evidence-based summative assessments in ELA.


Multi-paragraph essays are composed one paragraph at a time. Individual paragraphs are composed one sentence at a time. If a student is struggling to compose single sentences and the instructor is demanding lengthy, complex, nuanced, extended compositions steeped in textual evidence, is it really the kid’s fault when the whole enterprise collapses under its own ill-considered weight? Teaching students how to properly build cogent, concise, evidence-based short response writing is a research-based instructional approach that produces tangible, measurable, sustainable growth – particularly with low performing student writers. Make sure you instruct students in how to properly walk before they run and student writers will travel further and faster... with sustainability!


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  • Customized professional development for evidence-based writing and reading success
  • Data-driven pedagogy to elevate the four domains of literacy: reading, writing, speaking and listening
  • A common academic vocabulary shared across all grades levels, school sites and districts.
  • Measurable formative and summative growth assessments
  • A gradual release of responsibility educational model
  • Support and Scaffold strategies for English Language Learners
  • Research based color-coding pedagogy
  • Personalized tools for low-performing students
  • Robust student engagement strategies
  • Teacher generated student and school writing portfolios
  • Growth mindsets methodology applied to direct instruction
  • Scalable solutions that can reach across content areas